Primitive Art

I have 2 degrees in art, but I seldom paid attention in class, and since they were studio classes they mostly consisted of critiques by the professors after we had done several works of art. One day my professor asked me who my favorite artist was and I told him I didn't have one. Then he asked which one was I most familiar with, and I told him, Peter Max. He told me I should become familiar with different artists to stop wasting time reinventing the wheel. Years later when I was out of school and decided to look at other artists I realized I had "invented" several art movements on my own. The one painting I did before I went into graduate school, which I did in high school at home, was an invention of impressionism. When working on primitive art I think of it as "thinking like a madman. I often think of the most conventional way of solving a problem, and then do the opposite. Sometimes I use wire when the normal way to connect things would be to use a nail. I also like to represent things in wood normally done as paintings. Primitive art lets me be free in my expression and inventions.